
Written by our experienced business advisors, this catalogue explores many issues associated with running an SME business.

Here we comment upon the latest business trends and relevant financial information, as well as explore topics such as how to structure your company for growth, and how to develop KPIs that will add value to your business.

Business advisors and coaches why small businesses need them
External Advisor: Why Successful Business Owners Look for Them

The success of a business will be dependent on a number of factors. Such as; the way the owners manage the company, the capabilities of the workforce, the competitive landscape and the way that the...

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convert leads into sales small medium size business
Converting Leads into Business

One of the most common failures in some business is how one business owner will spend so much time and money in investing on generating leads but will not be able to conduct the proper...

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funding options for small businesses uk
Do you know ALL the Funding options for your growing business?

Cash is the life-giving fuel of every business, regardless of its size. Cash inflows, just like filling your tank with petrol or diesel, fuel strength and growth. While cash outflows are the necessary expenditures related...

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plans for growth business plan help for small businesses UK
Developing Plans For Growth

Successful business’s have in place robust plans for driving the business forward to achieve the medium and long term business goals (plans for growth).

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elevator pitch business coach and support UK
Building your Elevator Pitch

Have you ever been in that situation? You know the one……you are in lift, with a stranger, it’s a slow lift and they ask that question:

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time management advice for small business UK coaching and support
Time Management: Avoiding your business taking over your life

How do you manage your Time Management, when, as a business owner, your business is your baby? And having a baby is life changing. It’s a big responsibility and can consume your every waking moment...

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