
Written by our experienced business advisors, this catalogue explores many issues associated with running an SME business.

Here we comment upon the latest business trends and relevant financial information, as well as explore topics such as how to structure your company for growth, and how to develop KPIs that will add value to your business.

customer retention tactics for small business
4 Ways to Improve Customer Retention

Before we get into how to improve customer retention we should ask why give it focus alongside acquiring new clients? The answer it turns out is very ...

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internet for business small business consultant UK
The Creation of Interconnectivity and the Internet

Today, most expect to stay connected through the use of the Internet. Finding information online, developing websites for business ...

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sales funnel for small business - executive consultancy and coaching SMEs
The All New Marketing – Sales Funnel

For many companies the sales process is changing. The old method of cold calling prospects to interest...

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defining corporate social responsibility in business
Being Aware of Your Own Responsibilities to Your Business and to Yourself

Every moment of every day, we have responsibilities, whether those are to ourselves, our friends and family, or our business. In all parts of our daily lives, we are responsible for others’ successes and failures,...

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Change management and executive consultancy for small business UK
When Change in Business is the Better Move

Embracing change comes easy for many people. But is also difficult to some. When change in business is the only choice your company has, business coaching is probably the best option. This helps employees and...

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Planning growth - problems with business growth
Growth Pains

Everyone wants to grow, right? Well not everyone but there’s a well-known phrase that goes “if you are not moving forwards, you are going backwards!” But I’m not talking about incremental change; this blog is concerned...

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