
Written by our experienced business advisors, this catalogue explores many issues associated with running an SME business.

Here we comment upon the latest business trends and relevant financial information, as well as explore topics such as how to structure your company for growth, and how to develop KPIs that will add value to your business.

finding and retaining customers - Small business advice and support UK
How to Keep Your Customers Coming Back For More

Marketing your business well is a sure-fire way of ensuring its success, and you can achieve this by knowing your target market.  Any strategy that you should plan on should be geared towards convincing your...

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improving sales with a sales process
Improving Sales – A Data Driven Process

I was speaking on “Improving Sales” at a recent event and started with capturing the key sales issues faced by the businesses present. The list included demonstrating a need / describing the benefit, generating and...

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business legacy - business coaching and support UK
How to Leave a Legacy with Your Business

Today marks the anniversary of the day Henry VIII took the crown and marked the start of the Tudor Dynasty that left him revered as one of the greatest Kings in our history. In this...

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gain a business advantage with a specialist
How to Get an Advantage in Business

Business owners know full well that 9 out of 10 start-up companies don’t really last that long. They are the ones that are off to a good start. But lose steam in the middle of...

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successful business people stay productive and in control
How Successful People Stay Productive and In Control

A recent study has been conducted, showing that successful people are also those who have high emotional intelligence. On the other hand, the core of emotional intelligence is self-control, which is a skill that releases...

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marketing strategy for small business - coaching and support UK
Defining Marketing: Marketing Planning

Marketing is often defined as the process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably. Basically, how to get your service or product in front of your target customers and persuade them to buy...

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