
Written by our experienced business advisors, this catalogue explores many issues associated with running an SME business.

Here we comment upon the latest business trends and relevant financial information, as well as explore topics such as how to structure your company for growth, and how to develop KPIs that will add value to your business.

Board meeting for SME
SME Board Meeting

Pro-actions is convinced of the value that a well-constructed and run board meeting can deliver to a company. As part of a mini-series focusing on the board meeting we explore –

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SME Marketing Advice - Business coaching and support UK (1)
How small businesses can be effective with their marketing

Most companies waste most of their marketing spend by not focusing on their customers sufficiently. Who they are?What their business needs are? How they buy? And what media they use?

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business budget for small businesses (1)
Does Your Business have a Budget?

Owning a small business is not easy; having a good plan is a key requirement for success. Alongside your business plan, a well thought-through budget is a powerful tool.

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Business planning is the key to growth (1)
Planning for Business Growth … and the Unintended Consequences

Sustained business growth requires planning and preparation. The Growth Accelerator Hyper Growth Insights Study 2014 found that 96% of the companies experiencing significant growth had planned for it in the prior year; 88% reviewed the...

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Office tidy business areas forgotten (1)
Keeping your business tidy: 4 dark corners to take a look at!

The demands of running any enterprise can mean that sometimes things aren’t as tidy as they should be and basic disciplines overlooked. This applies just as much to large corporations but can be especially true...

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Qualify sales to win Small business advice (1)
Sales – Qualify To Win!

Time is a finite resource. You may be a sole trader allocating your time across marketing, selling, making product or delivering service. Or perhaps the MD/CEO of a business with a dedicated sales function.

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