

marketing strategy for small business - coaching and support UK
Defining Marketing: Marketing Planning

Marketing is often defined as the process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably. Basically, how to get your service or product in front of your target customers and persuade them to buy...

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ROMI Return on Marketing Investment - Small Business Coaching
Marketing: Fluffy or providing Return on Investment?

An often quoted phrase from William Lever, the First Lord Leverhulme and founder of Unilever is “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted. The trouble is I don’t know which half”. It is...

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tweets to show up in Google search results
Tweets to Soon Show in Google Search Results – How this will Affect your Marketing

Google and Twitter have reached a deal that will allow the search engine giant access to the latter’s content database. That means users will see tweets in Google search results soon. It is a win-win...

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marketing strategy and marketing plan for small businesses - Executive coaching and support UK
Defining Marketing, Marketing Strategy and Marketing Planning

Marketing is often defined as the process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably. Put simply how to get your service or product in front of your target customers and persuade them to...

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Linkedin Marketing for social selling
LinkedIn – Building a Platform for Inbound Marketing (Social Selling)

LinkedIn is one of the most important sales tools available. In fact, it has 225 Million members, with billions of professionally-oriented searches performed. There are also more than 2.1 Million LinkedIn Groups with members participating...

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through consumer eyes Small Business Concept Statement UK
Looking at your Product/Service through the Eyes of the Consumer

P&G pioneered the use of a Concept Statement and uses them to deliver a seemingly endless stream of successful products into the marketplace. Many larger companies also use Concept Statements because they are a simple...

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