
Written by our experienced business advisors, this catalogue explores many issues associated with running an SME business.

Here we comment upon the latest business trends and relevant financial information, as well as explore topics such as how to structure your company for growth, and how to develop KPIs that will add value to your business.

Increase profits for small business owners - Business coaching and consultancy
There are only five ways to increase profits – here they are!

There are really only a finite number of things that any business can do in order to increase profits. Making the assumption you are providing a good level of service / good quality of product...

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business cash flow - Business Management Consultant UK
Running Out of Cash – The Heart Attack that Could Kill Your Business

If cash is king as the business saying goes. Then the power behind the throne is Cash Flow. Some people lose sight of what business is all about… The reality check is business is about creating...

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Confessions of an ex-Business Link Business Adviser

According to an old Scottish proverb, open confession is good for the soul. Embracing this thought and with due regard to my Scottish ancestry, I have two confessions to make:

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cash flow problems
Avoiding Cash Flow Problems

Most business owners will be familiar with the phrase ‘turnover is vanity, profit is sanity but cash is king’. It is unclear who the original author was but that doesn’t negate its truth. Statistically most business...

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sales tips for small businesses - Business Management Consultants UK
Top 5 Sales Tips

Almost my entire working life has been spent in sales, a good many years of which were in direct sales both over the phone and face-to-face. Whether you know it or not, if you run...

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10 Tips On How To Make Your Team More Effective
10 Tips On How To Make Your Team More Effective

1. Get rid of non-performers immediately You will save yourself a lot of time and a vast amount of goodwill with other team members if you get rid of the poor members right away. You’ll notice...

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