Winning New Customers via Social Media for Business

POSTED ON: Tuesday, December 15th, 2015
CATEGORIES: Uncategorised
Social Media has fast become one of the most effective platforms for businesses. Aside from creating communities, social media for business is somehow being seen as a means of winning new customers.
However, this was not the norm in the past.
The Previous Scenarios of Social Media for Business
When Facebook was starting out, a lot of subscribers were more on the trial stage. Hence less trusting on their choice of friends and networks. Social Media for business was limited to how much they were primarily known by Likers, on a personal level. This meant most subscribers would merely like a page if they have already experienced the product or service.
At an earlier stage, Social Media had the primary purpose of keeping their existing customers informed about the latest news. This was how it initially functioned.
Today’s Shift of Perspective
As several more years went by, Social Media for business may somehow witness a more welcoming set of possible Likers who may not have regularly experienced their products or services. Similar thinkers may already be accepting of Social Media for business and be invited by their friends to Like a page although they have not experienced the brand. This is how powerful Digital Word of Mouth has become.
Needs to Stay Credible and Relatable
To increase your reach from your existing Likers and via Ads, it would be sensible to make your page as credible as possible. It is very easy to come up with any Facebook Account these days. So it is important to try out Social Media for business while still maintaining a trustworthy designed page.
In making a credible looking page, it is important to fill out as much details as possible especially on the about tab. You may also Like some affiliates and suppliers, or even invite them comment on your page. It would be even better if Social Media for business would include the Pages of your partners which already have a strong following.
Must Create Potentially Viral Posts
If the content of your posts are interesting enough, people will be willing to share this on their own profiles and news feeds. Just make sure to cleanly place your logo material itself, so it would be easier for sharers to find you and enjoy your materials. As your material on Social Media for business gets viral, you would have more chances to gain additional Likes and reach even to those who have not heard of your brand yet.
The trends on Social Media for business are definitely on a constant change. Try applying the mentioned tips and see how you can increase your reach with social media.
About the Author: Scott Whitehead is a Business Improvement Specialist with Pro-actions, and resident expert in Social Media. For a free chat about what Scott can do for you and your business, including successful business tips, contact us today.