Using Twitter Polls for Your Business

POSTED ON: Tuesday, December 15th, 2015
CATEGORIES: Uncategorised
One of Social Media’s biggest platforms just released its latest update of allowing for customers to choose between ideas or options. Meet Twitter polls.
This function enables for any topic to be quickly surveyed and its features are still in the process of growth. As an owner, perhaps you may be wondering about how to use Twitter polls and consider its benefits for your start up. Here are few things you might reap by giving this feature a try:
Twitter Polls Let You Know What Prospective Customers Like
This new feature is useful if you will be engaging more of your followers and would like to know what they mostly prefer about your upcoming conversations. Should you search up using Twitter Polls for business, one of the most important factors to think of would be the theme of your topic.
To go even further when it comes to being creative with your topics, you can sync your current YouTube videos and ask how viewers find them. This should further increase interaction, plus you will also know how your prospective customers would like to be engaged with.
Grab the Chance to Get Research Information, In Real Time
With Twitter Polls, you will not need to worry much about the lead time it would take for you to generate people’s thoughts through bulky Market Research Methodologies. You can instantly reap what customers prefer as they choose between two of your offered options.
While more technical methods have their important roles, using twitter polls for business research has a funnelling effect. This means you will have more means of knowing the common themes of customer thoughts, and compare the poll results to your in-depth research findings. What’s more, Twitter Polls appear in real time, so there is no need to wait for days before having a grasp of the prevailing thoughts of your followers.
Knowing the Level of Reception among Your Products
Did you just release a new product in the market? Then perhaps you would like to get a general or rough idea of how some first-time buyers would find them. Twitter Polls might seem limited with research options for now, but the very objective of this Social Media platform is not to gather research related ideas per se. It is a channel where people can conveniently connect and share their thoughts.
The limitations of Twitter Polls may actually be a good thing if you would not want bad publicity to spread like wildfire on Social Media (unless customers have been angered enough to rant about your product).
If you are wondering about how to use Twitter Polls for your establishment, Twitter’s website has a set of steps you can read through and try out. Check out this new feature and see how it can benefit your business soon.
About the Author: Scott Whitehead is a Business Improvement Specialist with Pro-actions, and resident expert in Social Media. For a free chat about what Scott can do for you and your business, including successful business tips, contact us today.