How to Leave a Legacy with Your Business

POSTED ON: Wednesday, April 22nd, 2015
CATEGORIES: Business Strategy and Planning
Today marks the anniversary of the day Henry VIII took the crown and marked the start of the Tudor Dynasty that left him revered as one of the greatest Kings in our history. In this article, we will talk about the importance of leaving a business legacy and how to achieve it.
A lot of competent leaders finish their business career without leaving any trace. While there are others who are not so brilliant are able to leave a legacy behind. There are dozens, if not hundreds, of reasons people start a business. But more often than not, one of their main reasons is that they want to make a difference in their own way.
When it comes to leaving a business heritage, people look up to entrepreneurs that have made a huge impact on their respective industries. These include the greats such as; Henry Ford, John D. Rockefeller, and Steve Jobs. People know what they have worked and stood for. And the effects of their work continue years after they are gone. They have a clear driving focus and have dedicated their career to promote it.
You should keep in mind that in order to leave something that will last, you must not just look to the distant future. Instead you should consider working on it every day. It doesn’t matter whether you are trying to influence the conversations across a specific platform, revolutionise an industry or create a ground breaking design.
Your business legacy will be something that will live on, even after you have left the company. The legacy will also become bigger than any person. More often than not, big corporations were started by individuals with big dreams. They focused on those dreams until they become a reality.
One’s business legacy is the summary of a person’s achievements that continues to have an effect to the world even years after he dies. Your business legacy can be whatever you want it to be, but you must first identify what it is.
How do you leave a legacy?
In order to leave a legacy, you must first determine what is important to you. You can’t build something if you don’t know what it is. Find out the values that guide your philosophy in life and your work ethics. Then find out how the values can align with your business ventures and how to strengthen the practices. Once you know the values, you can focus on them. This will help you identify your legacy and build it in a natural manner.
If you play your cards right, you will embody Henry VIII and leave a lasting legacy in the business world. Remember that business legacy is more than just material things. It is more meaningful to leave behind your values instead and not money.