Business Health Check
POSTED ON: Saturday, September 18th, 2021
How resilient is your business? Are there areas you can improve upon to enjoy increased profits and greater control?
By answering a series of carefully devised multiple-choice questions, busy business owner-managers can quickly identify weak spots and how to overcome them.
Invest five minutes of your time using Pro-actions’ free online Business Health Assessment to analyse your business on eight ‘health factors’ that are critical for business success.

Take the Test
Take our Business Health Check today to see how your business could grow tomorrow.
Check the health of your businessThe Eight Areas Assessed
- Governance, Grip and Leadership
- Finance
- Marketing
- Sales
- Shareholders’ / Directors’ Vision and Objectives
- People Management
- Operations and Systems
- Personal Satisfaction
All of these have an impact on how successful your business is. You could be performing really well in most, but if you’re failing in one or two areas then you increase the risk of underperformance or even failure.
If you have more than one Director, get them to take the test and compare your answers. Differences in answers can be very insightful and help pinpoint issues.
Benchmark Against the Best
Your results will be benchmarked against top performing companies, helping you to understand how effectively you are running your business. You’ll discover what you are doing well, where you could improve and the warning signs that require urgent attention.
A Comprehensive Analysis of your Results
Pain points often cause obvious symptoms – but the root causes are often less obvious. Upon completion of the test, you’ll immediately receive a downloadable report: an in-depth analysis of your results that starts to get behind the symptoms. The report will make practical recommendations to help improve the performance and wellbeing of both you and your business.
Free Consultation with an Experienced Advisor
We may recommend that you have a free two-hour session with a Pro-actions advisor for a deeper analysis of your business. This further triage will offer additional clarity and specific advice.